Free PMP Consultation
Free 30 minute consultation with a certified PMP (Project Management Professional)
Service Description
Book a free PMP consultation to see how Gold Titan can work with you or your company on a variety of different project types, in various industries: - Songwriting, music production, and recording. - Music publishing, copyright catalog administration, and licensing. - Event and hospitality planning services. - Software implementation and upgrade projects. - Marketing and advertising campaigns. - Litigation case management and other legal support services. - Other industries not explicitly listed here.
Cancellation Policy
CANCELLATION + RESCHEDULING POLICY: Rescheduling of any Free PMP Consultation must be done at least three (3) days before the date of the scheduled Free Consultation in order to guarantee your desired booking time. Any bookings rescheduled two (2) days or less before a Consultation may not be guaranteed. Gold Titan will accommodate last-minute schedule changes with as much flexibility as possible, but to secure your booking spot, please schedule your consultation at least three (3) days before the date of your scheduled Free Consultation. In the event your last-minute rescheduled consultation time does not work, you will receive a notice by email to reschedule your consultation for a different day and time. Last-minute schedule changes (2 days before, or less) will be honored and guaranteed in the event of true force majeure. You are entitled to cancel your Free Consultation at any time. Please note that individuals who cancel their Free Consultation less than twenty-four (24) hours in advance will not be able to book any more Free Consultations in the future, except in the event the cancellation is caused by true force majeure. LEGAL DISCLAIMERS: All consultation appointment bookings will be on a first-come-first-serve basis; and no specific dates/times can be guaranteed (unless previously agreed upon in private communications, or booked and reserved through the Gold Titan Booking Calendar). In order to improve chances of securing a specific date/time for your consultation, please book in advance to insure enough time for your specific scheduling needs. At any time Gold Titan maintains the right to deny consultation service to any individual, without explanation. If service is denied, a full refund will be granted upon denial. ADDITIONAL LEGAL DISCLAIMERS: Any Astrological extrapolation made during any Consultation session is an intuitive interpretation of the planetary influences present at a specific moment or moments; and should not be taken as legitimate legal advice, medical advice, or financial advice. I am not a licensed medical services provider, legal services provider, or financial services provider. All medical-related Astrology information is entirely historical & anecdotal, and should not be constituted as legally recognized medical advice. Incorporation of Astrology into Project Management is only supplementary material to the industry standard best practices as formally recognized by the Project Management Institute (PMI). As
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